Applying mutuality to ecosystem challenges

In this momentous week dominated by the ‘wilful blindness’ of our politician here in the UK in relation to Brexit and at the UN conference on climate change, I am reviewing my materials and resources for my new book on ‘meaningfulness and mutuality’. Applying mutuality as an organising philosophy to ecosystems is particularly challenging and rewarding. We have some interesting emerging initiatives here in the UK – these are the community wealth building efforts of the City of Preston, now being taken up in other northern cities and councils. But an intriguing example, which can be examined through the lens of mutuality principles, is one located in India aimed at ‘valuing the girl-child to better meet her health and well-being needs’. I developed some materials around this which places the girl-child at the centre of her ecosystem, and then uses widening circles of concern to expand how stakeholders understand the needs and aspirations of the girl child, starting from her perspective  – see below for slides.

Valuing the girl child